2019 Outings and Volunteer Field Projects
September 23 Quiet Trails delineation
A designated but nearly forgotten system of three trails through aspen groves needs a little work. We will be hiking over 2-3 miles of routes to install directional signage.
We have a variety of volunteer field projects in Chaffee and Lake County planned for 2019.
These include trail maintenance and work to preserve and protect Roadless and Wilderness Areas, wildlife habitat and natural resources.
Contact us if you are interested, and we will supply you with more details.
Check back for other planned outings and volunteer projects.
All our outings are open to everyone and offered free of charge.
We ask that you reserve a spot on these as we do try to limit numbers to preserve the experience and limit our impact. The time listed is the meeting time, usually in or near a town, and we frequently car pool to the trail head a short distance away.
We try to rank outings according to ability level (easy, moderate, advanced) to give you some idea of what to expect. We generally tailor the hikes to the ability level of the group that shows up. Easy is outdoor activity easy: not easy like sitting in a chair at home. Group outings often involve compromise, with faster more ambitious people having to slow down a bit and slower more leisurely types having to speed up a bit all in order to keep the group together.
Some of these outings can be quite popular. Contact us and we can advise you regarding space availability and fill you in on all the details. After you RSVP, we will provide you with all the specific details (meeting place, what to bring, etc.)
Please RSVP if you wish to participate by emailing us at quietuse@gmail.com
Volunteer Work Projects
We always have simple monitoring work that needs to be done. If you are interested in helping with this, whether it be from one hour to 8, please contact QUC and we can likely accommodate your schedule and preference. All of these projects are in scenic locations on public lands, you will be helping to make a difference, and will learn something too.
We work with the USDA Forest Service, BLM and other groups on cooperative projects to protect and preserve public land.
Contact us for more information, or to learn all the ways you can help make these important projects successful. Normally there are many ways you can help make these projects a success, no matter what your ability level.
Note: We generally provide lunch, instruction, tools and help with transportation for our full volunteer projects.
emailing us by clicking here